Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2014

Do you have the potential to become a creative thinker?

Wonna Test the Most Powerful
Meditation Audio EVER?

Most practitioners of meditation are getting stuck while
concentrating too much....on breathing techniques,
their bodies and being too critical in self reflection....

Learn here, how to become an "enthousiastic meditator" in just 12 minutes while getting
the benefits of 1 hour meditation instantly.

Simply enter your details to claim your FREE brainwave audio!

You'll be surprised how easy and comfortable it is to get the first remarkable results....Like I
the past 3-6 months.

(By the way, becoming calmer, more centered and clear minded are only some side aspects
beside the fact that guided meditations are generally useful tools for people who belief in their
ability to transform their thinking in order to achieve their goals more effectively.

Overcoming bad habits, cravings, nicotin addiction and low self esteem, anxieties etc., there are hundreds  effective meditation sessions available which I can recommend too:

In a period of one and a half year I tested at least 35 of them - each for at least 14 - 21 days  and I succeeded to start every day fully energized, each with a positive outlook on the future. You can trust me - in this blog I only can pick out a few of the the most remarkable results - which not only surprised me - also my friends and collegues could not belief - what they noticed appears to become differently: 

- Get rid off hot flushes (menopause)
- Cravings for cookies and chocolate
- stiffy joints and bones
- painful toes and swolen food anchles.
- swollen lymph glands
- 35 kgs overweight
- nicotine addiction

- extreem mood changes
- longer periods of depressed thinking
- nervous muscle tension

Can you imagine that the desired results often surprised me and my friends totally?

Guided meditation - Best daily companion to begin with change

I really appreciated the
power of thoughts while following a certain
plan to loose weight by changing my eating habits.

Within 6 months I created a weight loss of 40 kgs
and the daily visualization of metabolic slags leaving my body system (similar to the "heavy" stone slags stored on the open waggons - see picture of slag transport on rails on the left) was obviously supporting my plan
for a "lighter weight future experience"

  • to empower myself to observe my own thoughts and feelings
  • to discover and declare myself strong enough to act more wisely
  • to become aware of the benefits of an honest analization after inner retrospection 
  • to switch from the observation role into a more active directing role (like a conductor of a choir or orchestra) using the thoughts as most effective instrument
whenever it served me and others to achieve certain goals.

Bring yourself and your inner guide in alignment... and you will become a victim, how
bad habits, stress symptoms and signs of fatigue will simply disappear out of your life.

The additional rewards - like a higher self esteem and increasing satisfaction will enter into ones life in a natural way -when enough "space" has been created by reducing "tension, density and stickiness".

When I came to the consclusion, to better say: "Yes, I'll take it" and "I'll give it a trial and practise with it"   (instead of blaming somebody else for my heavy unlucky body) - I started with my first guided meditation 3 years ago.... and since then my inner belief system slowly and constantly began to change.

 In 2012 somewhen I decided: I will listen to the best "private" mentor available for me at that time every day. (not knowing how) and even if nothing happened in the beginning, after I started with my first morning  meditation session from Steve G. Jones - with his proved methods to lead his patients into a trance state...... after having deeply relaxed, with guided 

Every morning for 30 - 45 minutes I listened to the extaordinary relaxing music or mature tunes



"You can't be a creative thinker if you are not stimulating your mind, just as you can't be an Olympic Athlet if you don't train regularly." (Ken Robinson - a mindful creative athlet)

Samstag, 24. November 2012

The Power of Love Movie

The Power of Love Movie: Love is one of the most powerful experiences that can be enjoyed by anyone - young or old, big or small, rich or poor. It's what can bring us the greatest fulfillment, sense of success, joy, and pure happiness. We invite you now to celebrate the love in your life with this inspirational movie aptly named "The Power of Love." Turn up your volume, sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011

Do you have an answer to the above question?
If you want to know what are the best methods, which reveal
the power of manifestation, I invite you to click on the above

Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011

Learning to meditate has never been easier!

Every meditation beginner should become aware that without the correct attitude for meditation practice either the efforts will fail or any progress can be delayed. But I have good news for you:
The principles are so easy that everyone is able to get hold of them within minutes.

How you can apply these principle to reduce stress and feel happy - no matter what is actually happening in your life and how easy it is to keep your mind focused all the time? -How is the influence on your mental state, when you sometimes feel somewhat overhwelmed by 1001 things which surrounds you and are flowing through your mind constantly? The necessary steps towards practicle solutions, all this will be brought to you in a complete FREE email meditation course, to which you have access now.

You can learn how to supercharge your energy level (like an empty battery) and more conscious steps how to feel great on a day-to-day basis as further benefits of meditating by following this easy meditation course.

How to work with the power of your subconscious mind to move you towards what would really truly fulfil you in your life and what will happen when you learn how to develop control over your own mind, body and spirit by gaining more mental balance, calm and inner peace, all these questions will be answered in this course. You are enabled  to practice all learnt stuff  now in the comfort of your home through simple meditation excercises, which you can try right now!

Recapitulating, here's what you'll get:

* A complete FREE email meditation course:

* Simple meditation exercises you can try right now!

* Learn to know the correct attitude for meditation practice.

* The detailed knowledge how you can apply these principles to reduce stress and feel happy, no matter what is actually happening in your life.

*  Some valuable tips how easy it will be for you to quiet the mind instantly, supercharge your level of energy and manifest anything you want in your life.

*  How to work with the power of your subconscious mind to move you toward what would really truly fulfil you in your life.

* Numerous free audios and videos from experienced teachers

It has never been easier to get detailed insider knowledge about some new aspects and ready made exercise plan based on the ancient principles, which can be easily studied in the comfort of your home with support of experienced teachers.

Enroll now by filling out the form on the right sightbar with your name and email address and get more detailed information on topics of body-mind-spirit related topics by email on a regular basis.

Mittwoch, 4. August 2010

Energy Clearings Explained – A Step By Step Breakdown Of How & Why Energy Clearings Release Your Blockages (+ Free Energy Booster Kit) | FinerMinds
  • On this Finer Mind Website you can discover an extremely powerful technique that was created to help you enhance your affirmations for greater impact.
  • You get the chance to witness an energy clearing session from Christie Marie who walks us step by step through the process so that we can learn how to raise our energy.
Do you know what really happens during an Energy Clearing Session? I am happy to invite you to become an expert witness attending such an energy clearing process which happens during its term, while Christie Marie Sheldon has interviewed Teresa, a Love Or Above student.

Join this session listening to an audio where Christie Marie actually performs an energy clearing during an interview. It's so impressing to experience how this clearing works that I really want to recommend you to check it out yourself by using a Free Energy Booster Kit, as described on this website from FinerMinds Energy Clearings Explained

Are you aware, that sometimes the Personal Energy of an individual is sabotaging his Efforts to Create the Life he Desires?

That's the main reason why Energy Clearings can become the right approach to stop those destructive processes instantly.

After you will have used the resources in your Free Energy Booster Kit, you maybe are a little bit better prepared to receive the answers to some of the most essential questions on topics like spiritual development and personal energy management.

  • Why we can experience similar situations so often, that were not supposed to happen, only why someone is stuck in the lower energy fields?
  • Are there any methods to accelerate the rate at which things you want, finally can come into your life?
  • What are the drastic transformations you can expect in your health, love, career, and wealth when you succeed to raise your vibrations instantly?
  • Why Love is the #1 energetic emotion you have to aim for, if you want to live a life of joy and abundance?
  • What is the essence of the true secret to entering that state of receiving, where your desires come to you as if bymagic and opportunities arise seemingly out of thin air
  • How to fix your vibrational mismatch so that your energetic being is aligned to your desires and needs?
  • How to get detailed knowledge about the groundbreaking research from Japan, Russia, and the U.S., that will change how you see the Universe and your part in it?
  • How to measure where you stand on the Scale of Consciousness and what this means for your life?
  • What is "The power of the Maharishi Effect" and why YOUR energy can lower crime and violence AND raise other people’s vibrations?

    Download Your FREE Energy Booster Kit Here And Discover The Biggest Breakthrough In The Field Of Human Potential, which consists of real exactly fitting tools easy to apply which are able to transform Your Life In Ways No Other Personal Growth Technique, Teacher, Or Book maybe Can.

    This can be probably the first and most essential step in order to prevent that your personal energy is sabotaging your efforts in the future any longer, so every energy in and around you can flow free in order to assist you to create exactly that life which you desire and you deserve.

Donnerstag, 18. März 2010

Hypnose CDs Die unheilbare Gesundheit kostenlos downloaden

Wenn Sie sich mit dem Thema "Gesundheit-Krankheit! und "Unheilbar - Heilung" intensiver beschäftigen wollen,
da vielleicht das Thema Krankheit bei Ihnen oder Ihrer Familie oder bei Freunden eine Rolle spielt, dann
habe ich einen exklusiven Tip für Sie: 10 Hypnose CDs zum Thema "Die unheilbare Gesundheit"

Sie können Sie kostenlos downloaden beim "kikidan Team", verbunden mit dem Wunsch, daß Sie
persönlich besonders davon profitieren können.

Dann können Sie vielleicht auch anderen helfen. Das Kikidan Team sammelt nämlich Spenden
für Santosh Koirala und seine Moonlight School in Nepal. Es sorgt dafür, dass Strassenkinder, behinderte Kinder
und Kinder im hohen Himalaya an der Grenze Tibets Schulausbildung bekommen. Für die ersten und dringensten
Anschaffungen werden derzeit noch 3.500 Euro und Sachleistungen benötigt.

Mehr Einzelheiten hierzu sowie zur Downloadseite erfahren Sie hier

Samstag, 20. Februar 2010

Helping Haiti